Soy Vegan Nail Polish Remover By Sienna Byron Bay Yes you read the title correctly, this is made with soy beans! This amazing Soy Vegan Nail Polish Remover by Sienna Byron Bay has nothing nasty in it. It would have to be the greenest and healthiest, nail polish remover I have ever come across. The […]
Sienna Byron Bay Vegan Safer Nail Polish
Sienna Byron Bay Vegan Safer Nail Polish Recently, Sienna Byron Bay sent me down some of their Sienna Bryon Bay Vegan Safer Nail Polish products to trial. After having a great time preening, I can report that these little babies rock! I especially love their Sticky Base Coat, as normally nail polish is lucky to […]
A Pregnant Woman’s Guide To Safer Beauty Treatments – Yes You Still Can Pamper Yourself
A Pregnant Woman’s Guide To Safer Beauty Treatments Your pregnant and you want to still look your best, but you are worried about whether your normal beauty treatments and products are safe to undergo and use during your pregnancy. This article is designed as a A Pregnant Woman’s Guide To Safer Beauty Treatments. Some things […]