Minimize Your Families Exposure To Toxic BPA
In the last few years there has been an ever increasing amount of news about the dangers of Bis-phenol A or BPA. Strong scientific evidence links BPA to a number of serious health problems.
Babies and young children are at believed to be at more risk of BPA exposure due to the amount they are exposed to due to their small body mass and developing organs.
In this article I will teach you how to minimize your babies and childrens exposure to BPA.
Thankfully many baby bottle manufacturers are making BPA free baby bottles now, but this is just the tip of the iceberg as BPA is still used in lots of other food grade products.
BPA Lining In Canned Foods Is Increasing Babies & Children’s Exposure
Most canned food is stored in tin cans, coated inside with a BPA lining.
The main concern is that babies and young children are being exposed to larger amounts of BPA than older children and adults due to the fact the lining inside many baby formula tins contain BPA. As does tins of soups, vegetables, fruits etc.
The fact that a baby eats numerous times throughout the day is also concern, because they are getting more frequent doses of BPA exposure, than an adult would.
Why BPA Is So Unhealthy For Us
BPA or Bis-phenol A is an organic compound used to make Polycarbonate plastic products and epoxy resins.
The main reason why BPA is a major health concern is because it is an endocrine disruptor. It can mimic the body’s own hormones and has been linked (through studies done on animals), to a number of serious health issues; e.g. infant survival and growth, cancer, diabetes, obesity, late onset of puberty etc.
Studies have also shown that BPA can leach out at significantly higher levels when exposed to heat.
Polycarbonate plastic that is scratched is also believed to leach out higher levels of BPA.
BPA Coating On Cash Register Receipts Danger.
People are being exposed quite significantly to BPA when shopping. The thermal paper cash register printed receipts we receive are coated in a BPA film. This BPA film gets on our hands and fingers into is absorbed through out skin and we also inadvertently ingest it if we don’t wash out hands thoroughly after handling these receipts and before eating.
A study found that if you used hand gels, hand moisturizers, creams, soaps and sunscreens on your hands before handling a BPA thermal cash register receipt, causes the skin to absorb significantly more BPA.
See –Thermal paper cash register receipts account for high bisphenol A (BPA) levels in humans
BPA In Kitchen Appliances
Polycarbonate plastic is commonly used in kitchen appliances due to its toughness and durability.
Many kitchen blender jugs, food processor containers and kettles are made out of Polycarbonate.
The danger of BPA leaching out is due to the appliance getting scratched and when heated.
How To Minimize Your Family’s Exposure To BPA
Here are some simple steps to help minimize the amount of BPA your family is exposed to.
In some instances BPA is hard to avoid, as so many plastic kitchen appliances are made out of polycarbonate, reason being it is a very tough and durable plastic. You will notice that many modern food processors and food blenders all have clear polycarbonate containers. Some kettles are also made from polycarbonate.
- Use stainless steel kettles and use a stainless steel stick blender or a glass jug blender where possible. Now some of the manufacturers of quality food processors, blenders and dehydrators are using “what is meant to be safer” alternatives to Polycarbonate. Be sure to check with the manufacturer is you are unsure of what material is being used.
- Be sure to buy BPA Free baby bottles. Glass or polypropylene (PP or #5 plastic) are your safest options.
- Eat fresh produce and prepare your own fresh soups, vegetables and stewed fruits, rather than feeding your children from food cans lined with BPA. You can now get some organic brands of tinned food that are BPA Free.
- Know how to recognize what is made from Polycarbonate- The plastic symbol for Polycarbonate is PC or# 7. Polycarbonate plastic tend to be clear rather than opaque
- Discard any Polycarbonate Plastic bottles of food containers if they are scratched.
- Unfortunately if you are using tinned formula you can’t really avoid the BPA lining in the tin. This is another reason to encourage breastfeeding if you are able to.
- Also be sure to check your children’s toys and plastic sippy cups and other food containers are not made from Polycarbonate
- Never heat your Polycarbonate bottles or food containers, do not put them in the dishwasher, microwave or fill them with boiling water
- Decline your thermal printed paper receipts when shopping, if it they are not needed.
- Try not to handle BPA thermal paper receipts more than necessary and always wash your hands before eating after handling BPA receipts.
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