Green Food Health Benefits
Question: So what is the magic ingredient in green foods? Answer: It’s Chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is responsible for giving green food its green colour. It is Chlorophyll that allows plants to absorb the energy from the sun.
Yes green is good, in-fact green is great! As kids, nearly all of us turned up our noses at having to eat our greens, but our parents knew what was good for us and eating our greens does have huge health benefits!
Green Foods Are Alkaline Foods
Health Practitioners recommend Chlorophyll Liquids and Powders to help alkaline the body’s pH level when people are overly acidic due to poor diet, ill health & stress. A slightly more alkaline state, rather than acidic, is what the human body requires to maintain optimal health.
Chlorophyll Is A Natural Blood Purifier
Chlorophyll is also recommended as a natural supplement that helps to purify the blood and increase red blood cell production. Chlorophyll has been shown to remove toxins and carcinogens from the body, increase bowel health and deodorize the body e.g it is used very effectively for those who suffer from body odour and Halitosis.
Chlorophyll Neutralizers Bad Breath
Have you ever wondered why eating a sprig of parsley after indulging on a ‘heavy on the garlic’ pasta, neutralizes that dreaded garlic breath? Now you know the answer, it is the Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll works not only to neutralize bad odours in your oral cavity, but also down in your digestive system, as it aids in the digestive process so that food doesn’t ferment in your gut and rise up your digestive track to cause deep-seated ‘bad-breath’. This is why natural health practitioners advise those who suffer from Halitosis to take Chlorophyll Liquid regularly. Read more here at Natural Holistic Health.
Scientific Studies Show Huge Promise For Using Chlorophyll
There have been quite a few scientific studies into the benefits of consuming Chlorophyll and still more are in process. As yet, scientifically, there still has not been enough data collected to substantiate all the health claims out there about this wonderful green substance. That being said, so far the current results have proved very positive and many of the claims have indeed been validated. See this short definition of Chlorophyll by WebMD.
Chlorophyll has and is being studied by scientists to see how it is may play a positive role in blocking the carcinogenic effects of Aflatoxins, a mold commonly found in grains, legumes & nuts e.g peanuts and corn crops. Read this study by The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregan University.For those who would like a highly scientific breakdown of how it works against cancer read this study at E3Live.
Here is also another detailed report covering various scientific, Chlorophyll Studies and the results from these studies offer some very positive results.
This is also an interesting read
As is common, the alternative health practitioners already have a better understanding about Chlorophyll and have been utilizing the many health benefits it has to offer us for years and have in turn developed different kinds of Chlorophyll Extracts, which are widely available throughout the world, both in liquid and powder forms e.g Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Chlorella, Spirulina.
The Health Benefits Of Chlorella
Chlorella is known as a micro-algae and is believed to contain the highest levels of Chlorophyll. It also contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), which boosts the immune system, reverses cancer, and offers other health benefits. CGF also helps repair nerve tissues in the body and is excellent for treating degenerative brain and nerve disorders. It also has the ability to remove heavy metals e.g. mercury from the body.
We researched and came across Mike Adams book The Chlorella Factor, a very detailed and interesting book about the Micro-Algae’s Spirulina and Chlorella and you can read around 39 pages of his book here. To read the rest you will need to join his non-profit organization, but that is your call.
The Health Benefits of Spirulina
Spirulina is another micro-algae that not only contains high levels of Chlorophyll, but also contains a complete protein and all the essential fatty acids, making it a great source of protein for vegans and vegetarians . It is the best source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a “good” fat necessary for the human brain, proper heart function, and other body systems. Spirulina also contains Phycocyanin, a potent anti-cancer phytochemical that also gives Spirulina its characteristic blue hue. PLEASE NOTE-There are some safety concerns with contaminated Spirulina that may lead to liver cancer, which you can read here at Wikipedia under Safety.
The Health Benefits Of Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is another great and very popular source of Chlorophyll and other beneficial vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. You can commonly find ‘wheatgrass shots’ sold at various Juice Bars and people even grow and extract their own wheat-grass shots at home. More on Wheatgrass from WebMD.
The Health Benefits Of Barley Grass
Barley Grass is another excellent source of Chlorophyll and also contains a huge number of vitamins and minerals, e.g Vitamins A, B1, B2, Folic Acid and B12, C, Iron and Calcium as well as high levels of electrolyte minerals Potassium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Studies have showed Barley Grass to reduce cholesterol and help improve the health of Type 2 Diabetes Patients. It is also used by alternative health practitioners as a natural cancer treatment read here.
How To Use Chlorophyll and ‘Green’ Supplements Safely!
The safest and most natural way to get enough Chlorophyll is from leafy green vegetables, e.g spinach, parsley, garden cress, green beans and arugula and these should always be ORGANICALLY GROWN!
Word of caution – Since the radiation leak from the nuclear plant in Fukushima Japan into the Pacific Ocean in 2011 it pays to know where your choice of green supplements are grown and harvested from and to avoid those from the Pacific Ocean . Read my articles Japanese Seaweed Products And Radiation Contamination and Testing For Radiation In Foods Imported From Japan Ceased In Australia as of 23.1.2014
You may like to grow your own organic Wheat-Grass or Barley-Grass at home. These types of grasses are prone to mold which can cause headaches, so you must remove any moldy grass before juicing. See more here from
You can choose to take a Chlorophyll and various other ‘ Green’ supplements in a liquid form, powdered, or tablet form; e.g. Spirulina and Chlorella tablets.
Barley Greens tends to be the most well tolerated and has a lot to offer nutrient wise, but those with Coeliac Disease should avoid it as it is made from Barley, see more here.
Not sure which green supplement is for you, Green Powder Reviews is a great site devoted entirely to just reviewing Green Powders.
Important Health and Safety information to read before you take Green Supplements or Grass Shots.
It defeats the entire purpose of detoxifying the body and working towards optimal health, if the source of your Chlorophyll/Green Supplement is tainted with pesticides and fungicides and heavy metals, such as Lead and Cadmium.
Another thing to be aware of is that a lot of Chlorella is grown in Japan and since the Fukushima Nuclear plant melt down, it would be wise to steer clear of Chlorella from or near to Japan, to ensure there is no radiation contamination.
Taking green supplements can produce unwanted side-effects, especially if your body is not in a healthy state, these side-effects are not generally harmful but can be unpleasant as the supplements work to cleanse and detoxify your system e.g fatigue, rashes, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia or constipation.
Here is a report by on Spirulina Side Effects.
Chlorophyll can also cause extra sensitivity to the sun so protective clothing etc is advisable when out in the sun, see here. There are some important health guidelines for those who wish to take a Chlorophyll supplements see this report by and another report by Buzzle on Liquid Chlorophyll
* Important – Read about the Safety of Chlorophyll at the end of this report by Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University.
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