Learn Which Foods Are High In FODMAPS
This list will help you steer clear of gut irritating foods high in FODMAPS, (Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Di-saccharides, And Polyols). These are sugars found in some foods that are poorly absorbed by the human gut and some people are much more sensitive to the effects of this than others.
Avoiding these foods can go a long way towards improving your quality of life if you suffer from any of the following ; Fructose Intolerance or Malabsorption, Lactose Intolerance, Leaky Gut, SIBO ( Bacteria Overgrowth in the Bowl), or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
When it comes to following a low FODMAP diet, the area that is most tricky to tackle is prepackaged foods, as the ingredients aren’t always listed in an easy to read manner. The same when goes when ordering take-out, or dinning out. Knowing which foods are the culprits can help you stay more comfortable and symptom free.
For more information see my following articles :-
Fructose Malabsorption Symptoms and Treatment.
Leaky Gut, SIBO and Food Malabsorption , Common Causes of Bloating and Gas
Excessive Gas And Bloating, Diet Related Causes
*Important– never self-diagnose gut or bowel issues and get tested by a medial professional to rule out anything more sinister.
*Important – seek professional health advice in the management of a low FODMAP diet, so that you are not missing out on vital nutrients in your diet. A restricted FODMAP food diet and working to get your gut into a healthy balance of good bacteria and enzymes is crucial and this is where the help of a skilled Naturopath, Nutritionist and Dietitian who are experienced with low FODMAP Diets can be invaluable.
Foods HIGH to MODERATE in Fructose, Lactose and other FODMAPS
I follow the Monash FODMAP list and this is current as of September 2017 . It is worth downloading their phone app guide, as even some high and moderate foods, in very small servings may be tolerated.
Fruit Juice, Fruit Juice Syrup in Canned Fruit, Dried Fruits, Fruit Bars & Muesli Bars containing fruit. Anything sweetened with natural fruit juice, Fructose or High Fructose Corn Syrup
Apples, Apricots, Avocados,
Ripe Bananas, Blackberry, Boysenberry
Cherries, Coconut, Custard Apple, Dried Cranberries
Feijoa, Figs,
Grapefruit, unripe Guava, Goji Berries
Logan, Lychee
Peach, all Pears (except prickly pears), Persimmon, Plum, Pomegranate, Paw Paw dried, Pineapple dried, Prunes
Rambutan , Raisins & Sultanas
Vegetables Containing FODMAPS
Artichoke, Asparagus
Beetroot (canned and pickled OK), Bitter Melon, Broccoli Stalks (heads OK), Broccolini Heads (stalks OK), Butternut squash
Cabbage Savoy, Cassava, Cauliflower, Celery, Chayote/Choko, Cho Cho, Corn Sweet,
Leek (but green top leaves OK),
Mange Tout, Mushrooms (except Oyster OK)
Onions – except the green tops of Spring and Scallion Onions OK
Peas, Potato Sweet, Pumpkin Butternut,
Sundried Tomatoes, Saurekraut White Cabbage
Yucca Root
Grains, Nuts & Seeds
Barley, Bourghal, Buckwheat Kernels
Cashews, Cous Cous
Egusi Seeds
Quick Oats
Almond, Amaranth
Barley, Bourghal,
Einkorn, Emmer
Kamut/ Khorasan
Spelt (with the exception of organic sieved)
Wheats – Rye, Sourdough, White, Wholemeal, Wheat Bran etc
All with the exception of the following which you can have.
Chana Dahl Boiled
Lentils Canned
Mung Beans Sprouted
TVP /Soy Protein, Tofu Silken
Urid Dahl Boiled
Dairy Products
Cream, Cream Cheese, Custards, Ice Cream
Cows Milks & Yoghurts ( with exception of Lactose Free varieties)
Dairy Free Alternatives High In FODMAPS
Many milk substitutes, such as Almond, Rice and Quinoa milks are sweetened with Agave.
Coconut Milk that contains Inulin (canned for cooking OK)
Oat Milk
Soy Milks most ( Soy Protein based milks OK)
Beverages Cold & Hot
All Fruit Juices with the exception of Cranberry & Vegetable Blend Juices
Chai Teas when strong – weak is okay, Chamomile, Chrysanthemum
Dandelion when strong – weak ok
Most Herbal Teas if made strong are problematic – exceptions are Peppermint, Rooibos,
Artificial and some Natural Sweeteners High in FODMAPS-
Apple Syrup
Golden Syrup
Treacle Coconut
Alcohol –
Sticky Wine & Wine with low Glycaemic Index
Other –
Carob, Malted Choc
The foods listed above contain high to moderate levels of Fructose and various FODMAP’s. The foods with moderate levels of FODMOP components may be tolerated by some individuals in smaller portions.
A Dietitian, Naturopath, or Nutritionist will be able to guide you on the correct portion sizes and how to test yourself with food introductions.
See Sue Shepherd’s site , she is known as the guru when it comes to Fructose and FODMAP diets and also we found this great blog, FRUCTOSE FREE ME that has plenty of advice and links to many informative and helpful sites to help those on Fructose and FODMAP restricted diets.
Sugar Adds To Your Problems
It is very important to limit your sugar intake to help heal the body heal itself, so it can hopefully in the future tolerate some of the above foods. Sugar is poison and very addictive read my article Sugar Addiction And The Link to Sugar Causing Obesity & Disease.
Before you leave, if you enjoyed this article sign up to LivingSafe and stay informed! LivingSafe helping you live healthier & safer.
Browse through my low FODMAP vegan and vegetarian recipe section.
and my Fructose Friendly vegan and vegetarian recipe section.
Here are some of my favourite low FODMAP recipes to try;
Low FODMAP, Organic , Chocolate Quinoa Cake
Vegan Baked Rice Balls Fodmap Friendly Recipe
Organic Coconut Oil & Cacao Raw Bubble Slice Recipe With Chia Seeds – Vegan , Low FODMAP
FODMAP Friendly, Organic, Gluten Free, Vegan, Choc Chip Cookies
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