Natural, Vegan Fondant & Cake Icing Recipes
You want your children to have a fabulous birthday cake, complete with coloured icing and cute fondant decorations, but you don’t want to feed your children and guests a cake decorated with down right toxic, artificially coloured icing & decorations. Below I will give you the recipes and show you how to create different types of Natural, Vegan Fondant & Cake Icing Recipes.
Before I begin, see here if you are looking for basic vegan, organic, birthday cake recipe
Also please take a moment to read my article Artificial Additives And Preservatives In Food Causing Us Serious Harm
Now onto the fun part…
Vegan Organic Icing Recipe
Filtered Water
1 cup of Organic Icing Sugar
1 teaspoon of fresh Organic Lemon Juice, or you can use Organic Oranges or Limes
Your choice of home-made food colourings or Hoppers 100% Natural Food Colourings, available from good Cake Decorating Stores and Health Food Stores.
*Important – please note the Hoppers Spirulina (the green colouring used in their blue, green and purple colours) does come from Japan, but Hoppers ensures me that the Spirulina is tested for radiation since the Fukushima accident in 2011.
To make home-made food colouring -try boiling organic berries; e.g strawberries for red, blueberries for blue, spinach leaves for green, to a concentrate and then straining the liquid concentrate to remove fiber, skin and seeds and use a few drops as colouring. Or see my red food colouring recipe using beetroots.
Slowly add in filtered water by the teaspoon to mix into a thick white paste. Then add a drop or two of your desired Hopper Colour to get the shades and colours you want.
You can also make a thinner more watery icing which is more of a glaze.
This type of icing dries hard and has a smooth , shiny look to it. See my home-made Lorax Truffula Trees

Organic Vegan Chocolate Icing Recipe
You can either melt down a block of Organic Dark Chocolate and spread it over your cake as icing.
Or a sweeter version of chocolate icing is made using the following – cup Organic Icing Sugar
3 tablespoons of Organic Raw Cacao
you can then add filtered water till you get the right consistency.
Alternatively you could use melted Organic Virgin Coconut Oil instead of water, but this icing will harden in the fridge and if very hot will melt right off the cake!!
Vegan, All Natural Agar Agar Cake Fondant Recipe.
Please note as this is an all natural and vegan fondant, you will not get exactly the same consistency as normal store bought fondant, below I have listed some handy tips when working with this natural fondant.
3/4 tsp of Organic and Clean ( not from Japan) Agar Agar by Natali – See our article Japanese Seaweed Products and Radiation Contamination.
1/8 cup of cold filtered water
1/4 cup of Glucose Syrup
1 tbsp of Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
1/2 tbsp of Vegetable Glycerin
4-5 cups of Organic Icing Sugar – Ceres or Organic Times make a good one
1 tsp of Organic Vanilla Extract
Colouring – Hoppers Natural Food Colourings or your own natural food colouring but this will be a lot harder to work with.
Making Vegan Fondant Instructions
- First sift the icing sugar into a stainless steel bowl.
- Now mix Agar Agar with water in a small stainless steel saucepan and let it soak for 10 mins till is becomes thick.
- Heat on very low and dissolve very slowly, stir continuously and if it looks like the gel is drying out add a tablespoon of water when necessary. Should take another 10 mins all up.
- Next add in your glucose and coconut oil and stir till dissolved.
- Follow by adding in the glycerin and vanilla you could also add in a drop of organic lemon, orange or lime essence by Leckers.
- Split your sifted icing sugar in half and add one half into a large glass or stainless steel bowl.The other half you will add in slowly to thicken your fondant dough.
- Make a well in the center of the icing sugar in your bowl and pour in your agar liquid. Stir with a wooden spoon adding more icing sugar in as needed.
- When you can no longer stir the mixture, start to knead it with your hands till like playdough. You may need up to 4 or 5 cups of icing sugar to get the right consistency of fondant.
How To Store Homemade Fondant
If you are going to use the fondant immediately then you can massage in your desired natural food colours – see my article on colouring fondant and icing naturally. Remember, as these are all natural they don’t keep for long once made up and the fondant covered cake or decorations should be stored in the fridge till ready to eat.
If you want to keep your fondant for later use, do not colour and store it in a zip-lock bag or cellophane candy bag and then inside an airtight container. You do not need to refrigerate fondant if not coloured.
See how to colour homemade fondant naturally here
and Natural and Healthier Cake Decorating Ideas
Before you leave, if you enjoyed this article sign up to LivingSafe and stay informed! LivingSafe helping you live healthier & safer.
Be sure to check out some more of my healthy, organic, vegan and vegetarian recipes here.
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