Natural, Homemade Play Dough, Glue and Bubble Mixture Recipes For Kids
Here are a few fun recipes to try at home. Before you begin please use as many organic ingredients as possible. Local Supermarkets now stock a large range of organic products such as flour, sugar and oil. I hope you enjoy the following Natural, Homemade Play Dough, Glue and Bubble Mixture Recipes For Kids.
If you prefer to still shop for your children’s art and craft products, there are now a handful of wonderful little companies producing totally safe and natural craft products, such as crayons, vegetable paints and natural play-doughs. There are also some very innovative eco-friendly products popping up; products such as Happy Mais & EnviroBlox (pictured left) which are coloured foam pieces made from corn that stick together with water, that will keep your kids entertained for hours.
Also you can choose to go eco-friendly and safer when purchasing colouring books, story & sticker books, and even some puzzles, as many publishing companies are now printing with vegetable based inks and printing on recycled paper or FSC paper which is produced from sustainable forests.
I hope you enjoy the following Natural, Homemade Play Dough, Glue and Bubble Mixture Recipes For Kids.
Natural Salt Dough Recipe
1½ cups of plain white flour
½ cup of plain table salt
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
2/3 cup of cold water
Method– Preheat your oven to 120°C and line a tray with baking paper. Mix the flour and salt together in a big bowl, make a little hole in centre and pour in oil and slowly add in water, mixing it in with a wooden spoon. Then using your hands knead the mixture further to form a ball of dough. Now is the fun part, find a surface where you can sprinkle a little plain flour, so the dough doesn’t stick and then roll out and create the dough into whatever you like e.g. bowls, pencil holders, dolls, figurines, letters, jewellery, mobiles, cookie cutter shapes etc. Pop them on the baking paper and bake in the oven for around 2-3 hours on 120°C till hard and dry. Then lay them out to cool and decorate. We use Salis Finger-paints by Livos and Glob Botanical Paints, as they are both an all-natural and safer alternative to conventional kids paints.
Natural Play Dough Recipe.
1 cup plain flour
1 cup boiling water
½ cup salt
2 tbsp of cream of tartar
1 tbsp of oil
Method – Boil kettle and pour 1 cup of boiling water into glass jug or stainless steel bowl, add salt and stir till dissolved. Then add all the above ingredients, kneading together with your hands till you have your dough. Now you can take portions of the dough add a couple drops of food colouring to each portion to make whatever colours you like. It will keep for ages in an airtight container in the fridge.
Outdoor Water Painting Fun
Simply get a small plastic container or cup; fill with a bit of good old fashioned water and hand your little one a paint brush, then send them outside and let them paint whatever they like!
Natural Bubble Mixture Recipe
½ cup of cruelty free natural dish-washing liquid of choice
5 cups of water
2 tbsp of glycerine (vegetable glycerine), or light corn syrup
Pipe cleaners
Method – combine together and keep in a closed bottle with a big enough opening to stick a homemade pipe cleaner bubble wand into. You can halve the amounts above to make less mixture.
Kids Safe Glue Recipes
1. Natural Paper Mache Glue Recipe
Flour and Water
Method – Combine water and flour and mix into a sloppy paste. Important, when using it, to let it dry thoroughly, otherwise mould could grow.
2. Natural Craft Glue Recipe
¾ cup of water
2 tbsp corn syrup
1 tbsp white vinegar
½ cup of cornstarch
¾ cup of cold water
Method – Mix water, syrup and vinegar together in a saucepan and bring to a rolling boil. In a small bowl, mix cornstarch and cold water. Add this mixture slowly to first mixture, stirring constantly. Let stand overnight before use.
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